COVID & Quarantine FAQ
Q. What if my Bloom Trail student finds out they are a close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID?
A. Keep your student at home and contact the Attendance Office. Inform the attendance clerk that your child is a close contact. Someone from the school will contact you back to determine how long your student needs to stay home. Determinations are based on whether your student is vaccinated and the date of the contact.
Q. What if someone else in my household finds out they are a close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID?
A. As long as everyone in the household is asymptomatic, your student does not need to quarantine. If anyone in your household does become symptomatic, then keep your student at home, call the attendance office, and let them know your student has a probable need to quarantine. We will then work with you to determine next steps.
Q. What if my child develops COVID-related symptoms?
A. Keep your student at home and make arrangements to have him/her tested. When you call the attendance office, be sure to indicate that you suspect your student may have COVID so that we can respond appropriately. Once you have the test results, report those to the school. Any other students who live in your household should also stay home as a precaution until test results are received.
Q. My child has a few mild symptoms, and I want to get them tested as a precaution. Should I tell the school?
A. It is an excellent idea to get your child tested for your peace of mind. Keep your student home and notify the school that you intend to have them tested for COVID. They should remain home until you receive the results. Notify the school of the results. If your child tests negative, they can come back as soon as they feel up to it. If your child tests positive, we will need to complete a COVID questionnaire to determine the length of the quarantine and determine if anyone in the school is a close contact. Any other students who live in your household should also stay home as a precaution until the test results are received.
Q. What if my child tests positive for COVID?
A. Keep your student at home and call the main office. If you have other children who attend Bloom Trail, they will need to quarantine as well. They are considered close contacts. We will need to complete a COVID questionnaire to determine the length of time they need to be out of school and to contact trace to see if anyone in our building qualifies as a close contact to your student and also needs to quarantine.
Q. What communication does the school send when there is a positive case in the school?
A. When we have a positive case, after we complete contact tracing, we will notify anyone individually who qualifies as a close contact to that person to go over quarantine needs. Additionally, a general letter will be sent out notifying people that there is a case, but that their student is not considered a close contact unless you have heard otherwise from the school. That letter goes out through our automated email system.
Q. If my child has to quarantine, how will they keep up with school work?
A. All students have been issued a Chromebook and all teachers have set up Google classrooms where they post assignments and other resource materials. When it is determined that a student does need to quarantine, their teachers and counselor are notified that the student will be out for several days and to reach out to make sure they have what they need to keep up with their classes.
Main Office 708-758-7000
Attendance Office 708-758-7000 x3104
Late Start- 1st Period Begins 9:50
President's Day/Legal School Holiday
Bloom Township Turnabout Dance
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22331 Cottage Grove Ave.
Chicago Heights, IL 60411
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